A brief description of the Digital Heritage Item, limited to 255 characters. The summary is displayed with the Digital Heritage Item teaser when browsing, and can help distinguish between items with similar or identical titles. Other fields allow for long
  • Field for briefly describing the Media Asset within a Digital Heritage Item. This can include physical characteristics (i.e. photograph, manuscript, newspaper clipping), content information (i.e. what is depicted, content of text), and any other general relevant information.
  • Audio or video are embedded by dragging Media Assets from the media library into this field.
  • For the Media Asset to display correctly there must be a line break or text below where the Media Asset will be embedded.
  • Note, certain media types (eg. audio, Youtube video) do not render fully within the edit box, but will display correctly when the Digital heritage Item is saved.
  • Using the plain text editor setting provides better control over embedded media.
Cultural Narrative

The Cultural Narrative field is used to add historical or social context, expert community knowledge, community stories, and other relevant context to the Digital Heritage Item. This is generally information that is community specific. For example, if the item is a basket, this field may contain a narrative from the basket­maker about their technique, or it may tell a story about how the baskets were used by previous generations and how they are used today.


Traditional Knowledge

The Traditional Knowledge field is used to add in-­depth community-specific knowledge about the Digital Heritage Item, and is often used to provide information of social, spiritual, or esoteric significance. For example, if the item is a basket, this field may contain community, tribe, or clan specific knowledge about the significance of design that is not more generally known.


Transcription is a plain text field used to provide a text transcription of an audio or video recording, or of text in an image or document. Including a transcription allows the text to be discoverable when searching for Digital Heritage Items.
Location Description

A text description of the location.